Movement Materials

Movement materials let you define unique physics and audio-visual properties for how colliders interact with avatars in your space.

Getting Started

  • Create a new movement material by right clicking in the project view and selecting Create > Spatial > MovementMaterial. You can also find it in the Assets > Create menu at the top of the editor.

  • The default movement material that’s applied to every object can be assigned in the Environment Override Settings component. Environment settings

  • If you would like to override the default movement material for a specific object, then assign a movement material to the specific collider using the Movement Material Surface component. Material surface

Movement Events

Footstep WalkWhen the avatars foot touches the ground while walking
Footstep RunWhen the avatars foot touches the ground while running
JumpWhen the avatar jumps while grounded
LandWhen the avatar lands with enough vertical velocity
StopWhen the avatar decelerates very quickly in a single frame.
TakeoffWhen the avatar accelerates very quickly in a single frame.

How To Setup Particle Systems


For every movement event with VFX, the prefab will be repositioned and a ParticleSystem.Emit(1) call is made on the particle system.

This means your particles will not be “played” like normal. A single particle will be emitted from the parent system. This lets us use a single particle GameObject per event/material across all avatars keeping the system extremely lightweight.

Use World Space

Because the particle prefab is re-positioned every time we emit, your systems need to simulate in World Space

Simulation space

How To Use Child Emitters

Because we Emit(1) instead of Play() , child particle systems will not play by default. You can trigger them by assigning them as SubEmitters on Birth.

Sub emitters