C# Scripting API Reference

This documentation details the Spatial C# API for use with the Creator Toolkit inside Unity. If you are brand new to Spatial consider looking over the Creator Toolkit manual first, or to get started with the setup for C# inside the toolkit refer to the C# overview guide.

This reference should be used in combination with Unity's Scripting Reference as well as Microsoft's C# documentation.

Spatial Bridge & Services

Interfacing with the Spatial API is done through the static Spatial Bridge class. Contained in the class are various services that provide access to Spatial features.

using SpatialSys.UnitySDK;

private void HelloWorld()
SpatialBridge.coreGUIService.DisplayToastMessage("Hello World");
using SpatialSys.UnitySDK;

private void HelloWorld()
SpatialBridge.coreGUIService.DisplayToastMessage("Hello World");

Players, Actors, & Avatars

In Spatial, a single "player" or "user" is defined as an Actor. An Actor is like a seat at the table, it contains a users unique ID, username, and any avatar's they control.

See IActor

An Avatar is the 3D character that each player controls. In C# each remote Avatar is read-only, but the local Avatar can be modified and directly controlled with scripts like shown below.

See IAvatar

using SpatialSys.UnitySDK;

private void LaunchPlayerAvatar()
var localAvatar = SpatialBridge.actorService.localActor.avatar;
localAvatar.AddForce(Vector3.up * 10);
using SpatialSys.UnitySDK;

private void LaunchPlayerAvatar()
var localAvatar = SpatialBridge.actorService.localActor.avatar;
localAvatar.AddForce(Vector3.up * 10);

Async Operations

Many Spatial functions return a SpatialAsyncOperation. These are used to represent the status of an "async" or "latent" function. You can provide them a callback to execute code as soon as the operation is completed, or yield on them inside of a coroutine (see below).

public void AsyncInline()
SpatialBridge.userWorldDataStoreService.SetVariable("playerHighScore", 0).SetCompletedEvent((resp) => {
//This code will execute once the SetVariable() AsyncOp completes
Debug.Log("Game Saved!");
public void AsyncInline()
SpatialBridge.userWorldDataStoreService.SetVariable("playerHighScore", 0).SetCompletedEvent((resp) => {
//This code will execute once the SetVariable() AsyncOp completes
Debug.Log("Game Saved!");
public IEnumerator AsyncCoroutine()
var request = SpatialBridge.userWorldDataStoreService.SetVariable("playerHighScore", 0);
yield return request;// wait for the request to complete
Debug.Log("Game Saved!");
public IEnumerator AsyncCoroutine()
var request = SpatialBridge.userWorldDataStoreService.SetVariable("playerHighScore", 0);
yield return request;// wait for the request to complete
Debug.Log("Game Saved!");


All C# used in a space must be inside a single assembly definition. Referenced or sub-assemblies are not supported.

Spatial supports a subset of C# and the UnityEngine codebase. This is critical to keep Spatial a secure platform. For more information view the C# limitations page.

Spatial does not support additive scene loading or scene management of any kind. Each space package uploaded may only use a single scene.