The main interface that provides access to Spatial services. This acts like a bridge between user code and Spatial core functionality.
actorService | Service for interacting with actors and users in the space. |
adService | Service to handle ads integration |
audioService | Service for handling audio and sound effects. |
badgeService | Service for handling badges. |
cameraService | Provides access to all camera related functionality: Main camera state, player camera settings, camera shake, and target overrides. |
coreGUIService | Service for handling all UI related functionality. |
eventService | A service with helper methods for subscribing to events. |
graphicsService | A service for handling Graphics settings. |
inputService | Service for handling all input related functionality. |
inventoryService | Service to handle inventory and currency. |
loggingService | Service for logging errors and messages to the console. |
marketplaceService | Service to handle item purchases on the store. |
networkingService | This service provides access to all the networking functionality in Spatial: connectivity, server management, matchmaking, remove events (RPCs/Messaging), etc. |
questService | Service for managing Quests on the space. |
spaceContentService | Service for interacting with the current scene's synced objects |
spaceService | Service for interacting with the current space. |
userWorldDataStoreService | This service provides access to the |
vfxService | A service for handling visual effects. |