Multiplayer Compatibility

As you develop your experience you may add new features or update existing ones. Users who are currently loaded into an older version of your Space will not have those new features, so when newer clients interact with older clients it can result in unexpected behavior.


Currently spatial will allow old and new clients to connect to the same server by default.

What can break compatibility?

Many things can break multiplayer compatibility, and it can be tricky to track when a breaking change has been introduced.

  • Adding or removing Network Behaviours from a Network Object
  • Changing the order of Network Behaviours
  • Changing the order of Network Variables within a Network Behaviour
  • Changing the type of a Network Variable
  • Changing which Network Objects are included in the scene

Current version compatibility handling

Currently, Spatial allows old and new clients to connect to the same server by default. We don't currently give you control over segregating clients based on version, but exposing configuration for this is on our roadmap.