Avatar Teleporter

When an avatar enters the trigger area, teleport them to a target location.

screenshot of the avatar teleporter on a game object in a space


Target LocationThe transform x, y & z position the avatar will be teleported to when entering the trigger.

How to use

In order for the teleporter to function it must be placed on a GameObject with a collider that has Is Trigger enabled. You can use any shape collider.

screenshot of the avatar teleporter on a game object in a space

Create a new transform that you intend to use as the target location. This transform can be parented to whatever you want, and can even be animated.

While the teleporter is selected, you will be given a gizmo that can be used to adjust the target position without having to select it.


There is a known issue where teleporting while holding WASD/Arrows results in the teleport possibly getting blocked by objects.