Spatial Packages

Spatial packages are raw assets that can be loaded into the Spatial app. Packages are created in Unity, and published to Spatial using the Spatial portal inside the Unity editor.

Creating a Package

To create your first package open the Spatial portal by clicking the gear on the Unity toolbar.

Image showing the gear icon highlighted in the Unity toolbar

Inside the Config tab new packages can be created by selected a type then pressing the Create button.

Image highlighting the create package button inside the spatial portal

Each package type has a different configuration panel where you can define the contents and properties of the package. It also has a field that requires a reference to the corresponding asset type. When you publish the package, the contents of this asset will be uploaded and replace the package with a new version.

Image of an avatar config with a prefab highlighted

What's Next

Each package type requires unique configuration. You may find more details about them in the sub-pages below.