Network Synchronization

Spatial Multiplayer provides two main ways for synchronizing state and events:

  • Network Variables for synchronizing state between clients.
  • Remote Events for synchronizing events between clients.

Network Variables

Network Variables are used in conjunction with Network Behaviours to define shared state between clients.

public class ExampleBehaviour : SpatialNetworkBehaviour
// Changes to this variable will be synchronized across all clients
private NetworkVariable<int> _health = new(initialValue: 100);

public override void Spawned()
Debug.Log($"Player spawned with health: {_health.value}");
public class ExampleBehaviour : SpatialNetworkBehaviour
// Changes to this variable will be synchronized across all clients
private NetworkVariable<int> _health = new(initialValue: 100);

public override void Spawned()
Debug.Log($"Player spawned with health: {_health.value}");

Remote Events

Remote Events are used to trigger events on all clients, these are basic messages with custom payloads.

public class RemoteEventsExample : MonoBehaviour
private const byte EVENT_ID = 1;

private void Awake()
SpatialBridge.networkingService.remoteEvents.onEvent += OnRemoteEvent;

private void OnDestroy()
SpatialBridge.networkingService.remoteEvents.onEvent -= OnRemoteEvent;

private void OnRemoteEvent(NetworkingRemoteEventArgs args)
if (args.eventID == EVENT_ID)
string message = args.eventArgs[0] as string;
Debug.Log($"Received remote event with message: {message}");

public static void Trigger()
SpatialBridge.networkingService.remoteEvents.RaiseEventAll(EVENT_ID, "Hello World!");
public class RemoteEventsExample : MonoBehaviour
private const byte EVENT_ID = 1;

private void Awake()
SpatialBridge.networkingService.remoteEvents.onEvent += OnRemoteEvent;

private void OnDestroy()
SpatialBridge.networkingService.remoteEvents.onEvent -= OnRemoteEvent;

private void OnRemoteEvent(NetworkingRemoteEventArgs args)
if (args.eventID == EVENT_ID)
string message = args.eventArgs[0] as string;
Debug.Log($"Received remote event with message: {message}");

public static void Trigger()
SpatialBridge.networkingService.remoteEvents.RaiseEventAll(EVENT_ID, "Hello World!");