

Enables or Disables a core GUI. If enabled, this allows the user or script to open the GUI. But if it was not open before, it will not be opened. If disabled, this will not only close or minimize or hide the given GUI, but also prevent it from being opened by the user until it is re-enabled. When re-enabled, the GUI will be restored to its previous open state, either minimized or open/maximized.


void SetCoreGUIEnabled(SpatialCoreGUITypeFlags guis, bool enabled)
void SetCoreGUIEnabled(SpatialCoreGUITypeFlags guis, bool enabled)


SpatialCoreGUITypeFlags guis
bool enabled


public void DisableChat()
//Disable the chat. Hiding it and removing the ability to re-open it.
SpatialBridge.coreGUIService.SetCoreGUIEnabled(SpatialCoreGUITypeFlags.Chat, enabled: false);
public void DisableChat()
//Disable the chat. Hiding it and removing the ability to re-open it.
SpatialBridge.coreGUIService.SetCoreGUIEnabled(SpatialCoreGUITypeFlags.Chat, enabled: false);